Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gorden Bordir dan Vitrase -PRE ORDER

*Gorden Kolong  Gantung Tunggal -Motif Tulip Batik Coklat
Bahan: Blacu dan katun super

*Gorden Kolong Gantung Kupu Tarung Rempel Poni 
-Motif Bunga Lebah Kumpul Bawah
*Vitrase Kolong Gantung- Motif Bunga Lebah Kumpul
Bahan:Blacu dan Katun Super

*Vitrase Kolong Gantung-Motif Semak

*Poni Kolong Gantung -Motif Tulip Warna
Bahan: Blacu

*Gorden Kolong Gantung Kupu Tarung Rempel Poni -Motif Tulip Warna Kumpul-G Orange/PWhite

*Gorden Kolong Gantung Rempel Poni Tunggal- Motif Tulip Merah

*Vitrase Lipat -Motif Bunga Lebah kumpul

*Gorden Kolong Gantung Kupu Tarung Rempel Poni-motif bunga sebar 
*Vitrase Kolong Gantung - Motif Bunga Lebah Kumpul



085791038158 (INDOSAT)
087701634278 (XL)
085102313423 (TELKOMSEL)


pin BB:331A73A3



Aplikasi Bordir Cantik Untuk Segala Suasana

Bordir atau sulaman adalah hiasan yang dibuat di atas kain atau bahan-bahan lain dengan jarum jahit dan benang. Selain benang, hiasan untuk sulaman atau bordir dapat menggunakan bahan-bahan seperti potongan logam, mutiara, manik-manik, bulu burung, dan payet.
Di antara jenis tusukan yang umum dikenal dalam menyulam adalah tusuk rantai, tusuk jelujur, tusuk kelim, dan tusuk silang. Selain dijahit dengan tangan, sulaman dibuat dengan mesin jahit dan Mesin Bordir komputer.

Kain dan benang yang dipakai untuk seni bordir berbeda-beda menurut tempat dan negara. Sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu, kain atau bedang dari wol, linen, dan sutra sudah dipakai untuk membuat sulaman. Selain benang dari wol, linen, dan sutra, sulaman modern menggunakan benang sulam dari katun atau rayon. (wikipedia)

Seiring perkembangan jaman, di Indonesia kini seni bordir telah diaplikasikan untuk berbagai macam produk, bukan hanya fashion (clothing) tapi juga untuk perlengkapan rumah tangga, diantaranya untuk produk gorden, bantal, serbet, tas, tutup galon, kulkas dan lain sebagainya.

Edu Art & galery fashion  menyediakan koleksi produk bordir sesuai kebutuhan Anda:






Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Indonesian Muslim Fashion Go Global With Hijup

Indonesia as a Muslim fashion center – or should we call it fashion Mecca? – , has been widely popularized in many occasions, and publications since a couple years ago. It’s an initiative that the government, along with significant stakeholders, want to accomplish this claimed title by the year 2020. What does ‘Muslim fashion center’ actually means? We’ll discuss about that more later.

Regardless of what the government aims for, we see more visible contributions made by the private sector to help achieve this goal faster. Hijup, created in August last year, is the first e-commerce site for multi brands muslim fashion, one of its kind in the world. Hijup was set up to be an online mall for muslim fashion, to accommodate local young muslim designers to globally market their collections. And beyond the expectation, huge response is coming not only from domestic market, but also from international buyers.
About 30 percent of Hijup customers are foreigners. They come from Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, France, England, Germany,  Russia, Dubai, Saudi Arabian, Canada and US. More interestingly, they’re muslimahs from their origin countries, not Indonesian living abroad. “They love Indonesian muslim fashion design in Hijup for its comfort, adaptability and unique character”, explained Diajeng Lestari, Founder and Managing Director of
This is actually taking Indonesian fashion muslim around the world. Hijup brings the experience of real shopping into online platfrom. So potential customers from around the world, would be able to see the real picture of how diverse, rich and colorful of Indonesian designs, and they can shop these items right away.

At first, Diajeng and her team handled international sales by request only. But as international sales escalated, they believed they needed to create a special feature for buyers in other countries. Coincided with their first anniversary, Hijup launched their special platform for overseas buyer. With this platform, Hijup believe this will foster overseas sales, and thus becoming an effective way to internationally expand the market for Indonesian muslim fashion. (